We stopped at the clock tower on the way in so Cameron could tie his shoe and so that I could take a picture of them before the tours started.
The first place we toured was the Visualization Center in Middleton Library. Mr. Cary showed them a model of a airplane wing with air currents and demonstrated Google Earth for them.
Then they got to do some hands-on activities. The first one was something that a surgeon could practice on.
The 2nd one was a touch screen computer that they got to play games on.
Then we walked down to Tiger Stadium to tour the Lawton Room. First, we watched a highlight video of the 2011 football season in the old film room. Now they watch film in the new football operations building.
Tigers in the NFL room
In front of the National Championship trophies
Game day locker room...standing by the quarterbacks' lockers
The list of names is of the lettermen that graduated. This was put up by Jeff Boss, the former equipment manager. It was his goal for each letterman to graduate. He left spaces after each decade in case a letterman comes back to finish his degree. Luke found a name he recognized.
The player of the week wall and historic wins. If you notice, there's no player of the week for the National Championship because no one had an impact on the game.
Leading out to the field
Standing under the "win" bar and trying to touch it.
Learning about the unique features about Tiger Stadium - the yard lines are marked at every 5 yards insated of 10 and the goal posts are H shaped instead of Y shaped.
In between tours, we stopped at Mike the Tiger's cage for a bit.
The final stop was the LSU basketball facilities.
Men's locker room
Men's practice court - one of the highlights - actually getting to play basketball on the court
Then it was on to the actual basketball court where they got to play some more basketball. Now they can say that they have played basketball at LSU.
All the participants with Lori Bond and Karen Sirman who helped organize the tours. Plus one more shot of the "Shindsays" before we headed home...can't you tell they were excited about taking it?