Thankfully, one of our moms was able to record the event for those that weren't able to attend.
Thursday, May 29, 2014
BCH Homeschool Forum
Thankfully, one of our moms was able to record the event for those that weren't able to attend.
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
LSU AgCenter Botanic Garden at Burden
On Tuesday, May 13th we had a field trip to LSU AgCenters Botanic Garden at Burden. We participated in the program called “Trees and Trails.” We started with an ice breaker and then split into 3 groups that hiked the short trail. Along the trail we stopped for 3 hands-on/interactive stations: Tree Cookies, Life on the Edge, and Invasive Species. After the short hike/learning stations, we broke for lunch. Then, those of us who wanted to stay went on a guided hike on the long trail (1 1/4 mile). As we were coming back from the hike, we had an afternoon shower that caught us.
About the Stations:
Tree Cookies - Students learn about resources that trees need to live, how trees compete for resources, and how to read tree rings.
Life on the Edge - Students learn that habitat loss is the primary reason for the loss of species through a game a game called Habitat Scramble in which each student plays the part of an animal that loses its habitat.
Invasive Species - Students learn how invasive species disrupt life cycles, through the example of the Chinese Privet and the story of the European Starling and the Eastern Bluebird.