Monday, January 18, 2010

Upward Basketball Game #1

Saturday Luke had his first Upward basketball game. He plays for the Rattlers.

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He did really well.  There were no meltdowns like football.  Even though his team didn’t do very well he seemed to be having a good time and was always smiling as he ran up and down the court.

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Having their snacks and getting awards after the game
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The other kids had a good time hanging out with Paw Paw, Zee Zee and Aunt Sara…
especially at half-time when people came out and threw spirit sticks full of candy!
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The pictures aren't that great because I already have a hard time taking inside shots...then add a gym with bad lighting and movement...doesn't add up to good shots for I usually have a kid trying to cling to me!


Jenn said...

Great game and great pictures!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...