Saturday, June 20, 2009

VBS Day 1

Many have asked if I was sick this week...Thanks for asking, but I've just been busy with VBS all week. I taught the preschool class with consisted of 2 of my kids, 2 of our pastor's kids, and 1 other little girl.

This is how our schedule was for the week:
8:45-9:00 - playtime
9:00-9:15 - craft
9:15-9:30 - playtime
9:30-9:45 - Bible story/prayer time
9:45-10:00 -playtime
10:00-10:15 - snacks
10:15-10:30 - playtime
10:30-10:50 - playground
10:50-11:05 - playtime
11:05-11:20 - stamps & book reading
11:20-11:35 - game
11:35-11:50 - clean up
11:50-12:00 - playdough with cookie cutters

We always do the Lifeway VBS theme so this year it was "Boomerang Express." So this day the toy of the day was trains. SW really had fun playing with them. Luke had set up an awesome track for them.

Since our theme was related to a train one of our crafts for the day was to make an engineer's hat and I gave the kids a bandana to wrap around their neck. You can see part of the train track that I made outside of our classroom.

Cameron always wanted to take a picture with fact LC was very popular this week...everyone wanted to sit by her...except her brother of course!

The kids enjoyed riding these tricycles on the preschool playground. Here SW is "filling up" at the gas station.

AW riding on one of the rocking animals

LC was my camera hog - if she saw me with the camera she always turned to smile!

Cameron had fun "serving" the kids through this window

Here's SW ordering from the cafe

Our other craft for the day was to do Australian Aboriginal Dot Art...we "painted" the Sydney Opera House and we put on a sticker label with the verse Psalm 33:3 printed on it. For stamps & playdough that day I brought train stamps & cookie cutters. It's good that we homeschool and I have alot of this junk these materials.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

LOVE the pic of LC! You were BUSY this week! Glad your back to posting!