Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Smothered Bread & Pretzels

Yesterday we continued our study on medieval foods.  We had smothered bread (aka french toast) for breakfast.  In the middle ages, people all over Europe ate this.  They gathered eggs from their chickens and milk from their cow or goat.  However, they topped theirs with butter, honey or fruit jam.  Maple syrup was invented by the Native Americans.

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To go along with our lunch, we made pretzels from canned breadsticks. We made one salty and one sweet (cinnamon & sugar).  Pretzels were first given to children for learning to say their prayers correctly. Luke said Miriam shouldn't get a pretzel because she doesn't pray good. I guess we need a lesson on pride & humility.

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1 comment:

Tracy said...

French Toast is my fav!!! Yum on the pretzles too!

Didn't those people eat any veggies?