Friday, September 19, 2014

Cameron’s 10 birthday party

On Friday night, September 19th, we celebrated Cameron’s birthday with some of his closest friends.  The cake and goodies were a golf theme since he’s been playing golf with PawPaw lately.  While waiting for other friends to arrive, they played some football in the yard.  After supper and cake, we headed to Celebration Station to play mini golf.  After mini golf, some played arcade games.  Some of his friend were able to spend the night so we watched “Rio 2” before heading to bed.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Governor's Office of Homeland Security field trip

On Thursday, September 18th, we visited the Governor's Office of Homeland Security. First we watched a movie on "Getting A Game Plan" for the family in case of a disaster. Then they explained what GOHSEP was and how it all the different local, state, and federal agenices work together when a natural disaster occurs. Some of the kids got to act out an example of how different departments/agencies are called when a disaster happens. Finally, they got to see where the governor meets with the heads of the different departments.