At the Thanksgiving info station, Mrs. Tiany read info from The Thanksgiving Story by Dagliesh and the kids got to create a Thanksgiving sticker scene.

Next station was the Oreo Turkey made from a graham cracker, chocolate icing, oreo, candy corn and goldfish.

Next they made pilgrim hats with Mrs. Rachel. She did such a great job with these. She explains how to make them on her blog.

Then she read them a story about how clothes were made during that time period.

Next was the butter station. Here they got to make their own butter from heavy whipping cream by shaking it in a plastic container. Then Mrs. Starr explained how wheat is ground and made into bread. They also got to try grinding wheat using a hand grinder and she also showed them her electric grinder. After the butter was made, they got to eat some of it on her homemade bread. YUMMO!

At the pumpkin info station, Mrs. Amanda told them many different facts about pumpkins. She did a great job making charts and games for the station.

Last was the picture frame station where they made frames to put their picture. I took their picture at the pilgrim hat station after their hat was finished.

Then of course, we had a big feast!

Looks like another awesome, fun year!
It was another good year. Thanks for all the work you put into having everything ready at your house and for opening your home to us. I'll link my post to yours since you got good shots as always :)
Thank you for once again sharing your home with us so we good have another get together!! Had a great time as always, love the pics too!! :-) Hope you all have a blessed Thanksgiving!!
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