Sunday, May 6, 2012

State Capitol

Last Sunday, we went to the state capitol for Craig to sing with our church choir at a celebration for the state and for our city-wide Baptist convention.  It was a time of celebration for the 200th birthday of our state and the Louisiana Southern Baptist Convention and to pray for our state government and leaders.  We sat across from the parking lot of the capital so the kids could play and so we would be in the shade.  It was a really hot afternoon.

They found a tree to climb in. At one point, Cameron climbed up into the tree and couldn't get down because he was too scared to jump out.
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As you can see it wasn't highly attended although all the Baptist churches in our area were invited. I don't know if it was because of the heat or because it was at the time that many churches have other activities.
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Cole liked when they were singing. He marched and clapped along with the music.
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The people that were singing in the choir were supposed to wear patriotic colors so the kids and I did to. So it was an excuse to take some pictures. Of course, we can't get a decent family picture. Somebody is always turning away or making a silly face. So it's just better to post the silly face picture.
This one of the kids came out pretty decent though.
When it was over, we let the kids play awhile on the hill across from the capitol.
Miriam was going to help Luke out by pushing him down the hill.
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1 comment:

Tracy said...

Cute! The kids are all getting so big! Love the new header shot!