Monday, October 15, 2012

Corn Maze 2012

Monday, October 15th we went to the Cajun Country Corn Maze for their homeschool day.  The day started off checking out the turkey and different kinds of chickens they had.
Of course when you're trying to take a picture through chicken wire, you get a picture like this which is better than the actual pictures of the chickens!
After the chickens, it was time for the pig races. Our neighbors got chosen separately and then Farmer Brown put them in a team. Aidan said, "I don't want to be on her team. She's my sister!"
This is their first year homeschooling and I said that you could tell they weren't your typical homeschoolers. Because they were actually cheering on the pigs, while most of the other kids just stood there.
Miriam & Emma were chosen in the next round and partnered together. Way to show some enthusiasm there Miriam! In the end, their pig won and they got pig noses.
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Next it was time to actually do the maze. As usual, most of my kids took off and left me so I have no pictures of them in the maze.
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Now it's time to play...everyone's favorites...the cow & bucking!
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Corn pit

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Hay-less hay ride
Bouncy pillow
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Just all around fun
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